In the middle of June, the V4F consortium met again in Riga, presented their updates so far and visited the facilities of CeramOptec in Livani. Now 18 months into the project, we have made good progress already.

All work packages are now underway, and we have seen several iterations of laser active materials, drawn tapers, boranes and theoretical simulations. All our results so far are very encouraging in our mission to make aneutronic fusion a feasible energy source for the future.
We had our first publication, with two more on the way already, and multiple conference attendances. And we have successfully passed the first interim review by the EC, where we got very positive feedback from our project officer and reviewers.
Overall, we are on a good path to achieve the goals we set ourselves. The coming few months will see some crucial and exciting experiments, with extended slots at the Prague Asterix Laser System to test our hypotheses and developments so far.